Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship (2002 Full Match)
Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship (2002 Full Match)
WWE Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship (2002 Full Match) Full Shows/Videos Watch Online/Downloads | wWw.WWEShowz.Com

Title: Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship (Vengeance 2002)
Category: WWE Video
Rob Van Dam defends the Intercontinental Championship against the undefeated Brock Lesnar
Preview: On the June 24 episode of Raw, I.C. Champion RVD interrupted Lesnar's KOTR coronation by attacking him from behind and knocking him down with the Van Daminator and the Diving superkick. Later that night, Lesnar challenged RVD for the Intercontinental title, which Lesnar lost by Disqualification when Lesnar's agent, Paul Heyman interfered. Afterward, Lesnar nailed Van Dam with two powerbombs including one through the announce table. On the July 8 episode of Raw, Lesnar and Heyman issued a challenge to Van Dam at Vengeance for the I.C. title, which Van Dam accepted. Afterwords, Van Dam brawled with Lesnar and Heyman, ending with Van Dam nailing Heyman in the face with a Van Terminator along with the steel chair in hand. Later that night, during the 10 Man tag team match, RVD chased Shawn Michaels to the back while being distracted, allowing Lesnar to perform an F-5 on Van Dam onto the steel ramp.

Aftermath: A night after Vengeance, Eric Bischoff decided to merge the WWE Intercontinental Championship and the WWE European Championship into one, putting Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy against each other in a ladder match. RVD won the match, and the European Championship was retired. A week later, Van Dam lost the Intercontinental Championship to Chris Benoit, who would then jump to SmackDown!. Van Dam used his rematch clause for Summerslam and brought the Intercontinental title back to Raw. [WIKI]

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Brock Lesnar vs. Rob Van Dam - WWE Intercontinental Championship (Vengeance 2002)

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