Saturday, May 26, 2012

WWE Suspends Chris Jericho Indefinitely
WWE Star Chris Jericho was suspended indefinitely from the WWE due to an incident in a WWE World Tour show in Brazil.
"jim ross quotes t's not like he was at a sporting event like soccer and disrespected the flag, but rules are rules and they have strict rules regarding the flag in their company... He's playing a character, did an ad lib, and unfortunately he stepped over the line for the local culture, so he's been suspended indefinitely and hopefully it will work out." It's possible that Ross's appearance will end up in the podcast section at"

Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE live event in São Paulo on May 24. WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident.

We've gotten sketchy reports out of Brazil regarding Chris Jericho taking the Brazilian flag from C.M. Punk to get heat and stepping on it, which I guess in that culture, wasn't looked highly on. The story going around is that he was almost arrested and was rushed to the airport to get out of the country into Ecuador.
WWE announced Friday that Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act at a WWE live event in São Paulo, Brazil on May 24.
Chris Jericho suspended
Chris Jericho as been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE live event in São Paulo on May 24. WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident.
lordsofpain / observer


WWE Suspends Chris Jericho Indefinitely

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